4 years
Project description
The aim of the study project is to investigate the joint influence of caffeine and light on the internal clock in adolescents and adults. Currently it is known that caffeine can increase the influence of light in the evening and thus delay the biological night. However, caffeine is usually consumed in the morning. It is unknown whether it could also potentiate the effect of light at this time of day and which mechanism mediates such a potential effect. Answering these research questions is not only interesting from a basic science perspective but also for people who suffer from an endogenous delay of the internal clock, as is often the case in adolescents.
Therefore we will combine various methods (questionnaires, saliva samples for hormone measurement, electroencephalography, electrocardiography, pupillometry and cognitive tests) in a laboratory study with adults and adolescents. The project is fully funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF. It takes place at the Centre for Chronobiology (Director: Prof. C. Cajochen), which is part of the Psychiatric Hospital of the University of Basel and University of Basel.
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