Call for Applications for 2 PhD Students for 4 years

100%, Start date September 1, 2025

In the fields of History, Art History, Ancient History, Egyptology, English, German Literature, Latin Studies, Media Studies, Musicology, Philosophy.
Application Due Date: April 27, 2025
The eikones Graduate School at the Center for the Theory and History of the Image at the University of Basel invites applications for two positions for doctoral study on the theory and history of the image for four years beginning September 1, 2025.
Since 2005, eikones has served as a center for research on images from systematic and historical perspectives. The international and interdisciplinary center investigates the meanings, functions and effects of images in cultures since Antiquity and in our contemporary society. It aims at foundational image theory and at a historical investigation of images as instruments of human knowledge and cultural practices. We welcome PhD applications in all fields represented by members of the eikones Trägerschaft. Members of the eikones Trägerschaft are listed here:

Your position

The purpose of the grant is to support the completion of an original dissertation and the degree within the duration of the position. Students must fulfill all curricular requirements of the eikones Graduate School and participate in the events of the Center for the History and Theory of the Image.

Your profile

  • Excellent academic qualifications and promise in your field of study.
  • An innovative dissertation project relating to the theory and history of the image.
  • Masters or equivalent qualification in a relevant field of study, in particular History, Art History, Ancient History, Egyptology, English, German Literature, Latin Studies, Media Studies, Musicology, Philosophy.
  • Applicants must possess a MA degree or equivalent by September 1, 2025. The MA degree must have been completed in the previous two years. Exceptions may be possible in extraordinary circumstances.
  • Doctoral students must be advised by a faculty member of the eikones graduate school. Doctoral students must also be enrolled in the University of Basel for the duration of the program.

We offer you

The eikones graduate school offers excellent students of the humanities who would like to pursue a doctorate in the history and theory of the image a structured program of graduate study distinguished by dedicated advising, internationality, interdisciplinary, regular dialogue with guest scholars, and professional opportunities. The goal of the doctoral program is the successful completion of the degree within the four-year duration. Salaries follow the standards of the University of Basel for doctorate positions.

Application / Contact
Please submit your application in German or English as a single pdf by April 27, 2025 using the online portal provided by the University of Basel. The application should include:
  • Cover Letter
  • CV
  • Copies of Degree Certificates
  • Contact details for two references
  • Project description (at most 10 pages) and bibliography
  • Writing sample (at most 20 pages)
Please upload two files only: all materials listed above (1.-6.) in A SINGLE PDF FILE via the field “resume” as well as an extra cover letter (1.) via the field “cover letter”. Applications that do not conform to this format or received after this date will not receive consideration. Inquiries should be sent to Short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews.